Türkçe   English
Important notes

Attendance to the Conference is free of charge.


• For the papers with more than one author, the participation certificate will be given to the participants we host in our congress.


• Abstracts of all accepted papers will be published as a book.


• The articles of those who wish to have their full papers published in the congress will be published in the Journal of Turkish Yearbook International Relations* or the Journal of Faculty of Political Sciences (SBF)** after the preliminary evaluation of the Editorial Boards and the completion of the Arbitration Process.




*Turkish Yearbook of International Relations has been published since 1960 and scanned by many international indexes. Those who wish to have their papers published in this journal are required to review the spelling and publication rules of the Journal at https://sbfdergi.ankara.edu.tr/index.php?bil=bil_tyearbook and submit their articles within the framework of these rules by the relevant date.

**Journal of SBF has been published regularly since 1943 and situated among the sources that shape Turkey's political life. The Journal has been scanned by ULAKBIM, EBSCO, Index Islamicus and ASOS Index. Those who wish to have their papers published in the Journal of SBF are required to review the http://politics.ankara.edu.tr/index.php?bil=bil_sbfdergisi address regarding the spelling and publication rules and submit their articles within the framework of these rules by the relevant date.